Mélanie Matranga

Matranga’s approach involves a deliberate play with disparate mediums, employing layered elements that contribute to the permeable quality of her environments. Using a combination of drawing, moving image, tactile matter, luminosity and architectural intervention, Matranga manufactures spaces that exist as a convergence of expressions with surfaces seemingly channeling flows of affection.
Within these environments, desire and pretense populate unbound, weaving undetermined narratives laced with heightened vulnerability and risk. Matranga’s artworks poignantly convey the fragile continuum between interior and exterior, prompting further reflection on the interconnectedness of art and its surroundings. Through her distinct manipulation of space and materials, Matranga invites viewers to explore improbable habitats that blur the lines between intimacy and community, where deep individual intentions and larger narratives unfold in tandem.
Mélanie Matranga was born in 1985 in Marseille, France. She currently lives and works in Paris, France. Recent solo exhibitions include: Nottingham Contemporary, Nottingham, England; Furiosa, Monaco, France; Villa Vassilieff, Paris, France; Centre des éditions Contemporaines, Geneva, Switzerland; Karma International, Zurich, Switzerland; Indipendenza Studio, Rome, Italy; Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France. Group exhibitions include: National gallery, Prague, Czech Republic; Le Delta Espace Cultural Provincial, Namur, Belgium; Musée d’art moderne de Paris, France; Le Plateau-Frac Île-de-France, Paris, France; Fondation d’entreprise Ricard, Paris, France; Archives Nationale, Paris, France; CNEAI, Chatoux, France; Museum Ludwig, Cologne, Germany; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund, Germany; Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany; Biennale de Rennes-Frac Bretagne, Rennes, France.
Curriculum Vitæ

Lives and works in Paris, France
Eveillée, CAC-Passages, Troyes, France
Notes, Karma International, Zurich, Switzerland
Dieu, High Art, Paris, France
People: rights and duty, Nottingham Contemporary, Nottingham, United Kingdom
Nervous, High Art, Arles, France
I’m a Private Person, I’m a Public Mind: People, Furiosa, Monaco, France
•— •, Mélanie Matranga, Villa Vassilieff, Paris, France
Sorry, High Art, Paris, France
Edited by the CEC! Focus: Mélanie Matranga, Centre des éditions
Comptemporaines, Geneva, Switzerland
needy, Karma International, Los Angeles, USA
CLUB, Edouard Montassut, Paris, France
Denim, Independenza Studio, Rome, Italy
Melanie Matranga, Tongewölbe T25, Inglostadt, Germany
反复 [fanfu], Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France
A perspective somehow, Karma International, Zürich, Switzerland
Frieze Artist Award, Frieze, London, United Kingdom
Solstice, Galerie Crèvecœur, Paris, France
THEY, Le Consortium, Dijon, France
40 years of the Frac! Gunaikeîon, Frac Ile-de-France, Les Réserves & Fondation Fiminco, Romainville, France
Souvenir Nouveau, Le Grand Café, Saint Nazaire, France
MOVE: Intimacy as Resistance, National Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
Crowd Control, High Art x Arcadia Missa, Arles, France
This is my Body, My Body is Your Body, My Body is the Body of the World, Le Delta, Namur, Belgium
Your Friends And Neighbors, High Art, Paris, France
Praz-Delavallade, Paris, France
You: oeuvres de la Collection Lafayette Anticipations, Musée d’Art moderne de la Ville de Paris, France
Foncteur d’oubli, Le Plateau-Frac Île-de-France, Paris, France
Poésie prolétaire, Fondation d’entreprise Ricard, Paris, France
Prix Aware 2018, Hôtel de Soubise, Archives Nationale, Paris, France
Cory Arcangel, Ida Ekblad, Sylvie Fleury, David Hominal, Mélanie Matranga, Carissa Rodriguez, Sara Sadik, Linda Semadeni, Karma International, Zurich, Switzerland
1977–2017 : L’encyclopédie des images de Pascal Doury 40 ans du Centre Pompidou, CNEAI, Chatoux, France
Home visit, Museum Ludwig, Cologne, Germany
Salon Vogue, Bellaire, Cologne, Germany
Hanguer, Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund, Germany
You, (screening) SCHIRN KUNSTHALLE FRANKFURT, Frankfurt, Germany
Biennale de Rennes, Frac Bretagne, Rennes, France
Here and Now, Museum Ludwig, Cologne, Germany
8 Femmes, Office Baroque, Brussels, Belgium
16ème prix Fondation d’entreprise Ricard, Fondation d’ entreprise Ricard, Paris, France
You, (screening) L’ECAL, Lausanne, Switzerland
Carissa Rodriguez, David Hominal, Emanuel Rossetti, Flavie Audi, Ida Ekblad, Judith Bernstein, K8 Hardy, Keiichi Tanaami, Mélanie Matranga, Sergei Tcherepnin, Urban Zellweger, Karma International, Zurich, Switzerland
Groupshow, Edouard Montassut, Paris, France
Drawings, William Arnold, New York, USA
Cookie Gate, Ellis King, Dublin, Ireland
L’ école de Stéphanie, Fondation d’ entreprise Ricard, Paris, France
Mélanie Matranga & Oliver Payne, Vavassori Gallery, Milan, Italy
Columbidae, Cell Project Space, London, United Kingdom
A to B through E, (screening) Kino der Kunst, Munich, Germany
Cacophony of things, Temporary art gallery, Cologne, Germany
Theater objects : a stage for architecture and art, Westbau, Zürich, Switzerland
Curated by_vienna 2014, The Century of the Bed, Gallery Emmanuel Lyar, Vienna, Austria
Europe, Europe, Astrup Fearnley Museet, Oslo, Norway
L’époque, les humeurs, les valeurs, l’attention, 16ème prix Fondation d’ entreprise Ricard, Fondation d’ entreprise Ricard, Paris, France
Démocratie, Triangle, Nantes, France
The Issues of our time 3 : Less time more issues, Artists Space, New York, USA
A to B through E, (screening) cinémathèque Robert Lynen, Paris, France
The Issues of our time, Castillo/Corrales, Paris, France
Les hommes ne vivaient pas comme des mouches collées à un mur vertical, BETC, Paris, France
Mobile Device, Bodega, Philadelphia, USA