Matt Copson
Restaurant Satyr
20 Oct - 02 Dec, 2023. Arles
Exhibition details:
Matt Copson
Restaurant Satyr
Oct 20 – Dec 9, 2023
1, rue Fromentin
75009 Paris
Restaurant Satyr, 2023 (detail)
Moving head projectors with custom gobos, DMX programming and mixed media installation
Variable dimensions
I’m sick of listening
I’m sick of listening to you complain
What about my allergies?
Just look at me silently
Enjoy my face
God, I can’t stand my own voice either
I asked for recommendation and got the most popular thing
If you were to ask me I’d say this menu is foul
I don’t need to be reminded of poverty
I don’t aspire to be morally elevated
I’ve tried attitudes
And found them all pointless
I just want steak
Hey it’s me
Not good news
Did you hear what I said?
The signal’s bad
Have you heard about my condition?
I wish it upon everyone
So I could be understood better
Where’s my knife?
It must have fallen down here somewhere
Wow, it’s so quiet here
I wish I could live here
I can’t stand one more day of inadequacy
My wife’s a goddess, my child’s a prodigy
I need to sever all ties
Stop crying, darling
It’s not the end of the world
Everyone is here to celebrate you
Is that a drawing of mummy?
Where did you get such a beautiful hand?
Are you thinking about death again?
Are you thinking about my death?
Give us a kiss
Introduce me to you boy as his new daddy
I’ll teach him how to critically assess
And interpret his pictures
When I look at ‘em I see God
He’s a big spider
Fuck, that can’t be him, can it?