
Bradley Kronz

Direction of Travel

24 Jun - 29 Jul, 2017. Paris

Exhibition details:
Bradley Kronz
Direction of Travel
Jun 24 – Jul 29, 2017
1, rue Fromentin
75009 Paris

It was announced in December 2016 that Netflix original series “Marco Polo” would be sadly CANCELLED after 2 seasons.

“”EXT. VENICE, ITALY – DAY 2 FOUR YEARS EARLIER. Renowned for her beauty, the “City of Water.” Magnificent architecture frames the Grand Canal; a sultry breeze moves in the curtains of a second story balcony. The sounds of boats, chimes, and impassioned fucking. DONA CATERINA (O.S.) Marco, no… it’s not right… 3 INT./EXT. VENICE APARTMENT – BEDROOM/BALCONY – DAY 3 MOVE IN THROUGH THE BALCONY CURTAINS… ONTO AN ORNATE BED… where 17 year-old Marco Polo makes hot Italian love to 33 year-old DONA CATERINA, a blonde Venetian. MARCO: Sei molto bella… DONA CATERINA: (edge of orgasm) You must leave… But her long legs are wrapped tightly around him. MARCO: My soul is moist… but when I touch your breasts, I feel the sun… (kissing her areola) Sea foam and roses… what is this scent? Profumo segreto? Her fingernails cat-claw into his back. And then — SUDDEN BANGING AT THE DOOR.“”

This world wasn’t made for us. If you want, if you’re a homosexual and you want to play straight roles why the hell not. Rupert “being gay stifled my career” Everett has said this time and time again. Like I said, This world wasn’t made for us. I do think though as artists these are not the worlds we should be imagining.

“”There are no more worlds to conquer!”” – Alexander the Great

They who sit in the pitch black editing room and string together pieces of shit from Netflix and beyond in many ways have THE FINAL WORD. Endlessly complex relationships between images and sounds — major discoveries being made in this field all the time. Of the scraps we have left as artists, very interesting are these margins. When the movie ends, you are in the realm of a different artist, one who deals in a total finality outside our creative comprehension. Paris may never again be the capital of art and fashion, but maybe that’s not such a bad thing… let’s stay away from the electric fence of taste until we figure out what the hell is going on. Marginalia can too be an extreme proposition, silence is sexy!

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